I decided to make us some scrambled eggs. Green peppers, Cilantro, sea salt, & black pepper were all in order. A big pile of veggie eggs with an avocado on the side was the perfect kick start to my
After breakfast I spent some time outside with our chickens. Even in the cold, these fluffy girls are full of life. Pecking at every bug, piece of grass, or fruit scraps they find on the ground, they walked around our yard clucking and cooing as if they had not a care in the world. I sat on our porch and gazed out at them as they walked around. Taking in the morning air, I breathed deep and thanked nature for the little bit of warmness ( 39 degrees ) I was feeling.
As I entered back into the house from letting my breakfast digest, I knew it was time for me to start my task for the morning: make Dana's tea!
Dana and I have known each other for 10 years, and although we don't get to talk much, he is always pleasant to have a conversation with and we catch up every now and then. Dana and I met at school in Virginia. Over the years we have kept up with where each other is via Facebook. As much as I despise the drama I see on Facebook, I love it for the fact that I can keep up with old friends.
Dana had seen my posts online about my herbal remedies and homemade teas, and asked if I would create a blend for him to drink in the morning for overall wellness. I was delighted when he asked and took the request as a challenge to make something new! Like a scientist excited to get new chemicals, I headed to the Herbiary this weekend to get my ingredients for Dana's tea.
I decided to make Dana a wellness tea that would taste robust and refreshing for the morning, and be packed with Vitamin C for the flu season. After doing some research, I decided to use rosebuds, fennel seed, lemongrass, cinnamon chips, hibiscus flowers and honey granules.
Rosebuds, and hibiscus are packed with Vitamin C. The rosebuds also contain Vitamins A, B and E. They have zinc, calcium and iron as well. Fennel seed and cinnamon aid in digestion, and lemongrass is high in calcium, magnesium, and iron.
I got whole hibiscus petals and needed to break them up so they would blend in the tea perfectly.
I added the honey granules to the tea for a nice sweet kick! The rose petals, and hibiscus add a floral berry taste while the fennel adds a touch of licorice. The honey granules will help to balance all of the flavors and make this tea, perfect for the morning.
While mixing the herbs and flowers with my hands, I'm overtaken with the aroma of wellness. The smells that erupt from my mixing bowl are fruitful and calming, and I can't wait for Dana to try it!
After packing the herbs into their new home, I seal them up to be shipped to California to their new owner. Dana, I hope you enjoy your tea!